Can Having Sex Make You Better at Your Job?

August 7, 2020  

  minute READ

Browsing through the internet you have surely come across numerous articles highlighting the health and relationship benefits of having an active sex life with one’s partners. However one thing that is not discussed (or researched) as often is the impact that regular sex might have on other, less directly connected areas of our lives. Although common sense would dictate that our sex lives are likely to spill over into seemingly unrelated fields, so far the data has been scarce. Filling this gap is a study published in 2017 by the Journal of Management, which demonstrates that having sex can help you perform better at work. In particular, the researchers found that employees who have had sex at home the day before reported feeling good at work the next day, as well as feeling more engaged and performing better. In this episode, Dr. Valeria and I take a closer look at the study and discuss its potential for improving both our work lives and our sex lives.

Give Episode 86 a listen to find out:

  • the details on the methodology of the study and its results;
  • about the two-way feedback loop between our work and sex lives;
  • whether or not there was any differences between men and women and if the quality of sex matters;
  • how sexual confusion and lack of comprehensive sexual education can impact the workplace;
  • how companies can improve their workers’ productivity and engagement by recognizing and taking advantage of this connection and the amusing story of one Swedish town’s attempt to do so.
About the Author

Sarah Martin, MA, CSC is CEO of Dignified Hedonist, a sexuality support company that helps horny people get laid ethically. Sarah loves rainbows, books, and Pokemon Go.

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