Get Out of Your Mind and into Your Body for More Pleasure

Sensuality for Overthinkers is the course that teaches you how to master the basics of embodiment and add more pleasure to your everyday life.

Here’s what people are saying about Senuality for Overthikers:

You guided us to really tune in to our pleasures

It was delightful working with you again. I enjoyed how you guided us to really tune in to our pleasures. It brought out a meticulous observation that I hadn’t reached for before. What I learned is that I'm getting more and more comfortable being vulnerable and unapologetically (but always asking permission first) honest.


Florida, USA

A whole new way to connect with myself

During the workshop, you told us that sensuality can help if meditation has never worked for you and for me this was huge. I used to get so fixated on my breathing when trying to meditate. Focusing on the pleasure of the senses was so different, it gave me a whole new way to connect with myself, without pressure.


London, UK

*Names and images changed to preserve client confidentiality. Their words are real.

what you get

Here’s what you’ll learn in Sensuality for Overthinkers!

After this course, you will:

Experience More Pleasure

Your senses are the gateway to pleasure. By learning to work with your senses in an intentional, gentle, and curious way, you will gain access to pleasure in entirely new ways.

What's more, the effect is cumulative. The more you practice sensual awareness, the more pleasure becomes available to you. It's a virtuous cycle!

Increase Your Sensual Awareness

You body has the exquisite ability to sense the world in rich depth and detail. Through regular practice, you will become aware of much more of the world around you in the present moment.

You probably never learned how to hone and develop your sensing abilities. Now is your chance!

Create Your Own Daily Practice

Using the resources in Sensuality for Overthinkers, you will create your own daily sensual practice that fits your lifestyle and needs.

In as little as 10 minutes per day or less, you can dive into a pleasurable connection with your body that leaves you feeling calm, centered, refreshed, and SO GOOD!

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3

Here's everything in the course


Part 1: Prep Work

A list of the materials to gather before getting started, including blank paper, pens, markers, colored pencils, or crayons, your journal (if you have one) and something to drink (water, tea, coffee, juice).


Part 2: Sensuality for Overthinkers

A 37 minute long workshop, half context, half guided sensual tour of your own body putting theory into practice! You also receive an integration worksheet to help you internalize and embody this new knowledge through mind-body connection.


Part 3: Daily Practice

Tools that will help you create a daily sensuality practice that fits your life, and the invitation to get curious about what might change for you if you were to practice daily for the next 30 days! Includes a Sensual Meditation cheat sheet, an audio file guided meditation, and a BONUS handout with intentional pleasure practices.

New! Expanded 14 Days of Sensuality Practices

To further expand and diversify your sensuality practice, you'll get access to 14 days of sensuality practices. Each bite sized video guides you through a different practice, giving you lots to choose from as you develop a practice that is tailored to YOU, and how you experience the most sensual pleasure and enjoyment.

Hi, I'm Sarah

I guide horny people into a world of pleasure and delight.

I'm the creator of Sensuality for Overthinkers. Everything you'll find in this course is the result of over 7 years of 1:1 client work. 

Since qualifying as a Certified Sex Coach in 2016, I've helped my clients...

  • Lose their virginity in a way that felt fun and relaxed
  • Find connected, pleasurable hookups and friends with benefits
  • Experience the thrill of authentic sexual self-expression
  • Learn how to be more dominant in the bedroom
  • Feel calm, relaxed, and confident as a sexual being

I can help you, too

Get Started Today!


Enroll and get everything inside of the Sensuality for Overthinkers Course

  • Lifetime Access
  • 37 Minute Video Lesson
  • Integration Worksheet
  • Sensual Meditation handout
  • Sensual Meditation Audio File
  • 14 Days of Sensuality Practices

Dignified Hedonist